

Department of Pharmacology

We welcome the opportunity to inform you about our Department of Pharmacology. The Department of Pharmacology at Grace College of pharmacy is uniquely positioned to carry out research into the most relevant areas in pharmacology as well as to deliver superior training in pharmacology. Our faculty use approaches that range from the molecular and cellular through electrophysiology and systems to behavior. Because of their expertise with different approaches, many of our faculty collaborates with each other on integrated research projects. This enables our students to receive training in all these areas and gain an appreciation of the effects of drugs at all these levels of analysis.

With respect to our graduate programs, our goal is not only to train students to become accomplished scientists in a specific area of research but also to become independent, creative, and productive thinkers. Accomplishing this goal has enabled our graduates to move on to rewarding and successful careers in academia, the pharmaceutical industry, and Government. We are very excited about recent developments in pharmacology that allow new and challenging means of exploring the biological effects of drugs.


The laboratory is well equipped and provides the following equipments for carryout the experimental studies.

  • Students organbath
  • Actophotometer
  • Rotaroad
  • Eddy’s hot plate
  • Kymographs
  • Levers

Research Opportunities

The program offers participants a variety of experiences that will help prepare them for success in research-intensive programs. Participants will have research responsibilities, attend seminars, actively participate in a student journal club and take part in formal course work.

Our publications

  • Githa Elizabeth Mathew, B.Mathew*, M.M Shaneeb, B.Nyanathara; Diuretic activity of leaves of garcinia cambogia in rats. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science. 2011, 73(1):228-230.
  • Githa Elizabeth Mathew*, B.Mathew, M.M Shaneeb, B.Nyanathara,Y.Haribabu. Anthelmintic activity of leaves of garcinia cambogia .International Journal of Research in Pharmacy. 2(1)2011,63-65.
  • Githa Elizabeth Mathew*, B.Mathew, C.I Sajeeth. Phytochemical evaluation and lipid lowering property of leaves of vitex negundo Linn. in hyper cholestremic rats. International Journal of Research in Pharmacy. 2(1 )2011,18-22.
  • Phytochemical Evaluation and Anticancer screening of rhizomes of kaempferia galanga linn. Bijo Mathew*, M.vijaybaskar, Githa Elizabeth Mathew, K.Manu Thomas. International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical science. 2010;01(01):0011,

Our on going research

We hope to contribute a better future to other people and the globe through our educations and researches. Our goal is to raise young students, who have abilities of achieving as research and clinical leaders internationally wide. We will do our best to provide new medicines and the structure of individualized medical care based on our results of research projects.