To impart quality education to students to meet the pharmaceutical needs of society.
To teach students the importance of adaptability and flexibility towards the ever changing external environment.
To prepare them for career adaptability, flexibility in a changing research and practice environment.
Our Vision
To attain the status of a premier college of pharmacy.
To be recognized for excellence in leadership and innovations in pharmaceutical education and research.
Enlightenment through education to produce graduates in the field of professional education of paramedical sciences professionally superior and ethically strong global manpower, imparting competitive spirit and competence, to serve the society and the country enabling it to be the leading nation of the world in the 21st century.
To provide intellectually well developed, spiritually oriented, morally upright & socially concerned citizens of India in their personal life. We will strive hard to achieve the well designed and clearly identified standards.
Salient Features
Frequent parent teacher interaction.
Extreme discipline and punctuality
Visits to pharmaceuticals industries.
Institution - Industry interaction
Additional computer training programmes.
Personality development to excel in competitions.
Extracurricular activities for overall development.
Placement and training cell to assist the students to secure employment.
To educate and train student in the knowledge and practice of pharmaceutical sciences and to contribute to improvement of health of the society through educational and research programs, The Grace College of Pharmacy